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Why Some Parents Are Opting for “Birdnesting” Custody Arrangements

Traditionally when parents have divorced, child custody arrangements required their sons and daughters to shuttle between two separate homes. However, a unique alternative has been gaining traction in Florida and elsewhere: birdnesting custody arrangements. For many, this innovative approach offers a solution that prioritizes stability and the well-being of the children amidst the dissolution of their parents’ marriage.

Birdnesting, sometimes referred to as “nesting,” calls for children to remain in the family home full-time, while the parents take turns staying in the residence with them. This setup allows the children to maintain a consistent environment, minimizing disruption during an already challenging time. Though birdnesting requires some flexibility and compromise, you might want to discuss this type of shared parenting plan with your family law attorney.

One of the primary benefits of birdnesting is its focus on continuity. Children experience divorce as a seismic shift in their lives, and staying grounded in the same home and school can mitigate the emotional impact of a parental breakup. By preserving the family home as a constant, albeit shared, space, birdnesting provides a sense of security and familiarity that can ease the transition for children. 

Moreover, birdnesting encourages cooperative co-parenting. Sharing responsibility for a home requires parents to collaborate closely for the sake of their children. Effective communication, compromise and mutual respect become essential components of this arrangement. 

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that birdnesting isn’t suitable for every family. High-conflict divorces, as well as those involving allegations of domestic violence or financial impropriety, likely are better suited to a standard custody plan. Additionally, families might decide to give up birdnesting somewhere down the road as parents establish separate lives post-divorce. If you think it might work in your situation, you should be thoughtful and honest about whether birdnesting offers a viable interim solution.

By prioritizing stability, continuity and cooperative co-parenting, this innovative alternative aligns with the state’s family law principles and the best interests of the child. While it may not be suitable for every family, birdnesting offers a valuable option for parents seeking a child-focused resolution to their divorce proceedings. 

As an experienced advocate for families in the Orlando area, Timothy W. Terry, Attorney at Law stands ready to assist clients in exploring all available custody options, including birdnesting arrangements. For a free consultation, please call 407-567-0406 or contact me online.


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